Aircraft yesterday were seen turning back over the Islands in order to return to their airport of origin. They stand as a symbol of the enormity of the events that have unfolded in the U.S..

Islanders have expressed their deep sympathy with Tuesdays tragic events in America. Many were enjoying the fine weather and heard of the news on portable radios outside. Disbelief was finally replaced by great sadness as the scale of the event began to sink in.

People on the Islands witnessed many passenger aircraft flying back towards the U.K national airports after they were forced to turn back. U.S. Officials were quick to close down airspace to all scheduled and charter flights.

Tonight, the sky was clear and eerily empty of the jet trails that are usually in evidence. The route from the U.K to the U.S takes airplanes directly over Scilly, it is likely that no aircraft will be seen overhead for some days now.

“subinfo”The images were captured when a Scilly News journalist, was in New York earlier this year./span

The true magnitude of the event will not unfold for some days yet, but one thing is for sure, condolences and messages of support amongst utter chaos go to all those affected by this attack from the people of Scilly and from people across Great Britain.